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Album Stats
Stories Of A Stranger: 29%
The Wanderer: 24%
In Between Now and Then: 18%
Souls Aflame: 18%
Risen: 6%
Cover Songs: 6%

Show Rarity: 34.6%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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House Of Blues 06.13.2007 - Anaheim, CA With: Bedouin Soundclash
  1. Set 1:
    1. Love and Memories
    2. Dareh Meyod
    3. Old Man Time
    4. About an Hour Ago
    5. Black Rock
    6. Whose Chariot?
    7. King of the Thing
    8. Watching the Detectives
    9. Heard the World
    10. Wonderful Day
    11. I Feel Home &
    12. Lay Down
    13. City on Down
    14. Conquering Fools
    15. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
  2. Encore:
    1. 52-50
    2. Night Shift
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.

Recordings No recordings available. Check back later.

Reviews I didnt go to this, but insane set list, hopefully this was recorded. -lewisjsl June 14, 2007
Great show....same good ol' energy we've come to love, a packed HOB-Anaheim, and a good crowd for SoCal....starting off the tour the right way with a setlist full of the classics....they made a few song changes during the show- I was bummed when they took out "Untitled" but glad when they swapped "Night Shift" for "Hey Girl" in the was good seeing Michael Paris (OAR's version of Butch Taylor w/ DMB or is it just me?!) with them again, I liked what he added, I'm loving the intro for "City On Down", nice to hear a new twist....stoked to hear "King Of The Thing"....and will "Poker" ever get old?!?!....(did any one else think Jerry looked a little less into it than normal during the show?) -O8R June 14, 2007