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Album Stats
All Sides: 29%
The Wanderer: 24%
In Between Now and Then: 18%
Souls Aflame: 18%
Stories Of A Stranger: 12%

Show Rarity: 41.74%
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Orbit Room 11.02.2009 - Grand Rapids, MI With: Elmwood
  1. Set 1:
    1. This Town
    2. Conquering Fools
    3. Love and Memories
    4. What Is Mine
    5. About an Hour Ago
    6. Dinner Last Night
    7. Whose Chariot?
    8. Risen
    9. Dareh Meyod
    10. City on Down
    11. Shattered (Turn the Car Around)
    12. Black Rock
    13. War Song
    14. Hey Girl
    15. I Feel Home &
    16. Lay Down
    17. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.

Live O.A.R.

Reviews The energy at this show was great. It was our first OAR concert. Sorry to hear the Toledo show was not so great of an audience. We started off sitting in the balcony, but the crowd up there was not as appreciative or excited about the band as we were. Jerry was fun to watch when he came out to jam with Elmwood. We went downstairs and it was a better vibe. Marc, Richard, Chris, Mikel, Jerry, and Benj are great, authentic people to watch "do their thing" onstage. Each seemed energized and rocked out the opener of "This Town." It was fun to hear a little bit about "Conquering Fools" from Marc. They played "Hey Girl" which is the song that got me hooked on O.A.R. about a year ago from stealing my hubby's iPod. I haven't had that great of a Monday in a long time. Hope the band is "smitten with the mitten," and hope to see them here again real soon! -nls -danielswig November 4, 2009
The best concert I've ever been to. Front row, crowd was awesome, band seemed to really enjoy themselves and interacted with audience members on several occasions. They even busted some songs out that I wouldn't have expected. Perfect night. -CMasten November 4, 2009
I wasn't thrilled when I found out that the venue was switched to a Gen Admin. I had grabbed 5th row tix and knew I wouldn't get anywhere near that as I was driving from Detroit after working til 6. However, this was a great venue! I didn't mind being further back and the crowd was a lot of fun. Conquering Fools was a treat. Highlight for me was War Song. I thought that their rendition of it at the Northerly show was great but this one blew it away. I told a bunch of my old college friends in the audience that the Lay Down drumoff would be their highlight. Chris, Jerry, and Mikel did not disappoint! Great all around show with a lot of great people! Before the show, my friend asked me if I would ever grow up...if "growing up" involves not being excited to see live music that I enjoy, then heck no I wont! -SailAway November 5, 2009