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XX: 50%
The Rockville LP: 50%

Show Rarity: 79.29%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Sirius Satellite Radio - Howard Stern Studios 06.23.2023 - New York, NY With: none
  1. Set 1:
    1. I Go Through
    2. Peace
"Stern Show Summer School Kickoff" first aired on SiriusXM Howard 101 on 07.10.2023.
Entire show is Marc and Jerry.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys and vocals.
Entire show with Jon Lampley on trumpet and vocals.
Snippets of the following songs were also played as bumpers or during a game with the hosts: The Downeaster 'Alexa', Born to Run, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Ring of Fire, The Joker, Steve Winwood's Higher Love, and Radiohead's Creep.

Recordings No recordings available. Check back later.

Reviews No reviews.