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leggman67's profile
real name: Pete
location: Palos Park,Illinois
homepage: http://none
im: AOL - leggman67 name: Leggman67
non-oarsa list: http://none
trading status: Open For Trades
trading rules: i have no rules. im open for nething

leggman67 has 6 shows
2005-08-20Charter One Pavilion At Northerly Island
Chicago, IL
Ed PaffAUD2 CDR10great setlist. good quality
2005-03-25Aragon Ballroom
Chicago, IL
Michael FriesSBD2 CDR10awesome recording of a kick ass show
2004-07-10New City YMCA
Chicago, IL
Ross FeigheryAUD2 CDR10awesome show. must download for any fan
2004-06-18Tweeter Center
Tinley Park, IL
Chuck LesiakAUD1 CDR10awesome set. too short though
2003-03-18Canopy Club
Urbana, IL
Tom PacykSBD2 CDR10great show. it was cool to hear a lot of new songs
2003-03-13Aragon Ballroom
Chicago, IL
Michael FriesSBD2 CDR10cool show. i didnt go to this one. wish i had

leggman67 wants 0 shows