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O.A.R. & USO
12.10.2007 | posted by edpaffjr
After an unforgettable time visiting the troops overseas, the band has put together a video that captures their experiences. Taken mainly from photos and videos that the band member's shot themselves, we are proud to present you with this documentation of their USO Tour.

In addition, to commemorate their first USO experience, O.A.R. has created a limited edition USO Tour T-shirt. The t-shirt contains show dates and locations for all four stops on the band's USO Tour. For every t-shirt purchased from now until December 31st, O.A.R. will donate $10 to the USO. Anyone purchasing the USO Tour T-Shirt from the O.A.R. Store will automatically receive 15% off the cost of the T-shirt as well as any other items purchased in the same transaction.

To learn more about the USO and the wonderful services they provide to our troops, click here.