- Set 1:
- One Shot
- Hey Girl
- Black Rock (Blood Outro)
- Road Outside Columbus
- Dareh Meyod
- The Wanderer
- Destination (Fire on the Mountain Tag)
- About Mr. Brown
- Heard the World
- Ran Away to the Top of the World Today
- Daylight the Dog *
- Sunday Bloody Sunday *
- Love and Memories $
- The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) ->
- City on Down (First Half Only) ->
- Delicate Few (Second Half Only)
- Encore:
- Dakota
- That Was a Crazy Game of Poker (Officer Tag) #
* with Colin Smith of mrnorth on vocals.
$ with the "Tamborine Ninja".
# with Frank Stepanek of Black Uhuru on guitar.
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Nathan Acker | ![]() | |||
Nathan Acker | ![]() |
Reviews amazing concert... the crowd was so into it and so was the band, all i can say is that this show was incredible... camden in 8, msg in a few months -BingPiLam8 November 19, 2005
OAR concert of the year. bottom line. This concert was different from all the other fall or summer shows because of the different songs they played. amazing performance, everyone was into it, especially the guy throwing his guitar. -earthward16 November 19, 2005
amazing show
i didnt see anybody taping, did the war memorial even allow it? -jimhasgoodtimes November 19, 2005
the show was taped by at least 2 if not 3 different people. Dont worry it will be out eventually. This show was awesome. Poker, COD->Del few, hey girl, black rock, and sunday bloody sunday all in one night! this was an awesome night. -3am November 19, 2005
my first show, and there are no words to describe it. simply amazing. -politylo09 November 19, 2005
The show in syracuse was amazing. They played a sweet mix of old and new songs. Road outside Columbus was nasty and Daylight has to be the best performed song of the new cd. It was sick down on the floor, people we're gettin rowdy. All in all, this was one ridiculous concert. -SweedTrain9 November 19, 2005
Absolutely ridiculous. I was expecting more, from S.O.A.S. but they def. mixed it up well with a sweet taste of alot of the old favorites. "City On Down/Delicate Few" was amazing. If anyone hears when the video gets out let me know. Great Show. -noma213 November 19, 2005
Mr. North definatly put on a great show, and I'm sure we'll be hearing from him in the future. They have a real jammy, cool, creative sound. Quite similar to U2 at times. Colin seemed a little 'on edge', but performance was excellent.
As for O.A.R.; First and foremost the light technician/s were f*cking AMAZING.
Here's 'my' breakdown of the show:
1. One Shot - Nice, a little too quick though, seemed a little rushed.
2. Hey Girl - Had a slight 'Beautiful Day' Tag. It was alright, solid nonetheless. Jerry gave a flawless sax jam, nasty. Kudos to him.
3. Black Rock - Lit up the place once they dropped into it. Great drum jam by Chris. Blood outro w/ light effects was out of this world. Techie deserves top dollar, no doubt.
4. Road Outside Columbus - Had an slight intro that I personally am unfamiliar with, but altogether energizing. Richard gave a sick jam throughout.
5. Dareh Meyod - Sick as usual. What else needs to be said?
6. The Wanderer - By far one of 'my' highlights of the show. Such a great song/sound.
7. Destination - So uplifting, a powerhouse. Great flow, and Michael Paris on keys tore it up.
8. About Mr. Brown - Amazing performance, such a meaningful song. Marc once again dedicates it to late friend Mike. Marc says: "there will always be a spot in the front row for him." When I heard this I was fighting back tears. Anyone who has lost a close friend can relate.
Thats HEART and Nothing else.
9. Heard the World - The other highlight of 'my' night. The politics involved and the lyrics, though I get the feeling a lot of people don't understand, mean a lot to 'me' and I find it hard to say that it won't be a staple in their careers.
10. Ran Away... - Solid, one of 'my' fav.'s for sure.
11. Daylight the Dog - I tell ya this one slowly growing on me. Jerry on guitar rippin' it up. Colin on vocals, what more can u ask for.
12. Sunday Bloody Sunday - Energy was maxed at this point. I can't even review because I couldn't do justice with words for that performance, so i'll just say WOW.
13. Love & Memories - Not one of 'my' fav's but I can't deny it being a wonderful set of lyrics and a powerful tune.
14. 59th Street Bridge Song - I like this song, and I've heard a lot of various artists perform it. Like Keller Williams for ex. but O.A.R. does it to their mood. That being said, 'I' felt it was a little out of place. It was slow and jammy but didn't seem to fit into the transgression of energy and flow. But this is just 'my' opinion.
15. C.O.D. - Benj gives nasty bass solo, another O.A.R. classic that never fails to raise the energy through the roof, indifferent to mood. They played the first half of it then immediatly slid into the second half of 'Delicate Few' almost like a reprise. It was followed by Benj and Jerry solos, respectivly. Great Job. Quite creative.
1. Dakota - very soft and meaningful. Hits you deep inside when you hear it live.
Here's to John! You won't be forgotten!
2. Crazy Game - Im not going to bash it, and I don't care what anyone says! The whole crowd was into it and I was happy for the band to see this, even the "hardcore" fans seemed to enjoy it, instead of being pissed and bitchin'. Really though, I consider it like "Farmhouse" by Phish. Sure it's 'custy' and all the 'fans for a day' love it, but out of that context it's still a well written, well performed, energizing song. Just a bit overplayed, I'll give you that. Still it's only been played a few more times that 'Hey Girl' so think a bout that!
Overall it was a great show, powerful from beginning to end. Band and crowd energy was off the charts. Setlist wise, anyone who complains should probably not attend any more O.A.R. shows because you will probably always be disappointed.
It seemed to be Benj's night, he had a bunch of 'on the button' solos that were terrific. Jerry had a couple that were just insane. The whole show sounded great! 'Cheers' to the techies. Well done!
I hope someone recorded it, cause I would do a lot to get my hands on it, so if anyone comes across it I would be very appreciative to get an e-mail w/ details. Or I'll trade a show/s. Terrepin_Lou@yahoo.com
'My' disappointments: For one the crowd was so young. Well about 65% anyway. Where are all the fans that are atleast in college or older? Second the venue stopped selling alcohol before O.A.R. even came on because of under-age incidents. Are you kidding me, GET IT TOGETHER! I mean don't get me wrong I am also against the people who come that are of age, drink to much and bring down the show/experience for others by being ornary and/or fighting, but come on. I'm just glad I pre-gamed.
-Into the Revolution November 19, 2005
such a great show. if anyone recorded please post it a.s.a.p. -sreca56 November 19, 2005
my third show and by far the best that i have seen -maxycorleone November 19, 2005
wow it was a good show. at best. the setlist was good, this is by no means the show of the year, toronto was ten times better, if you thought this show was the best then you need to hit up some more shows. b/c it was good but far very far from the best -kingofthething November 20, 2005
My second show. My first was aat PNC Bank Arts Center in July and this one was much better. Great mix of old and new stuff. "Ran away..." was a pleasant surprise, "Daylight.." was incredible, "Poker" was crowd energizing as usual. I was very disappointed by the age of the crowd. I was going nuts next to some 13 year olds who knew no other song other than "Poker" and "Love and Memories" (no thanks to MTV for attracting preteens) At least at PNC I was one of the youngest there at age 18. There seemed to be a lot fewer hard core fans but the show was still incredible. -DaylightTheDog November 22, 2005
Absolutely brilliant show...definitely the best I've seen yet. The highlight was probably sunday bloody sunday - it's baffling to me that anyone can do a U2 cover and sound as good if not better than the real one. They didn't play a lot of SOAS and honestly I was extremely happy about it...I was a little disturbed by all of the kids who had obviously never heard anything other than Poker and Hey Girl, but I guess we're going to have to give up to the less sincere fans eventually. The only thing I was disappointed by was the lack of I Feel Home and Anyway, two of my favorites :/ Ah well. I kind of missed One Shot but I heard it from outside and I would have to say thats the strongest of the SOAS songs, and it made a strong opener. I recorded quite a few clips but apparently the mic on my digital couldn't handle that volume...
All in all, great show! -vigilante130 November 29, 2005
also www.myspace.com/adoremusic -liberator32 December 13, 2005
This was a really fun show. 59th-> City On Down was incredible. Dakota was incredible and Poker was packed with energy. -DMBprez March 25, 2006
Nasty show, thousands of people there with good noise. Road Outside Columbus was sweet wit hthe new intro. Mr. North for Sunday Bloody Sunday was nice, solid night. -DickBiddle101 March 31, 2006
Was so hyped the day tickets went on sale ...All of Liverpool went and it was crazyyyyyyy....Get at OAR...cant wait for the ROC -Knowityoulover July 29, 2006
yay to front row -Niccy11 August 7, 2006
One of the best shows. i can honestly say that aside from the Devil intro for Poker, the officer tag, as a tribute to Slightly Stoopid is really awesome. everything sounded good though. good night -viva la revolution August 10, 2006