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Album Stats
Stories Of A Stranger: 37%
In Between Now and Then: 16%
The Wanderer: 16%
Souls Aflame: 11%
Cover Songs: 11%
Risen: 5%
Unreleased: 5%

Show Rarity: 30.33%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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High Falls 07.26.2006 - Rochester, NY With: Jack's Mannequin
  1. Set 1:
    1. City on Down (Organ Intro)
    2. Risen
    3. About Mr. Brown
    4. Wonderful Day
    5. Anyway
    6. Mr. Moon
    7. Lay Down
    8. If Only She Knew
    9. One Shot
    10. Black Rock (Blood Outro)
    11. Heard the World
    12. Dakota
    13. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker (So Lonely Outro) ->
    14. No Woman No Cry
    15. 52-50
    16. Night Shift
  2. Encore:
    1. Short a Try ~
    2. Fool in the Rain *
    3. Love and Memories
~ Marc solo.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.
* with Andrew McMahon of Jack's Mannequin on vocals.
* with Jay McMillan of Jack's Mannequin on percussion.

Recordings No recordings available. Check back later.

Reviews Im speechless, WOW-
I just wanted to write this while the music’still ringin in my ears. What an unbelievable show! If you are looking for songs to download they would have to come from this show. I hope there are plenty of recordings. Every song seemed to have something crazy going on. Forgive me for the randomness but im just going off the top of my head here: Poker! Highlight- with NO WOMAN NO CRY starting of with city on down----- Anyway was sick About Mr. Brown, ,, short a try!!! They never play that one! BLACK ROCK wonderful day night shift Fool in the RAIN What more could you ever ask for. Thanks for giving us a show we will remember forever
-drew4342 July 27, 2006
9th show for me, hands down the best O.A.R. show i've been to. strong start to finish -richbutts24 July 27, 2006
amazing show fool in the rain was kick ass
great setlist
great energy from the crowd
can't wait for high falls 07 -wally2388 July 27, 2006
Best concert i have ever been to, such a quality setlist, the crowd energy was awesome can't wait for high falls 07 -cityondown13 July 27, 2006
Great show, this was my fourth. The band was so tight, it was amazing. Jerry was tearing it up too.

In Fool In The Rain, Jay McMillan also guested on the congo drums. -DMBprez July 27, 2006
Another great show put on by the band. Jerry played his heart out on the sax. This seems to be one of the best setlists of the current tour as they played 18 songs. Also, Jacks Mannequin was a great opening and it was sick when he came on for fool in the rain. Some highlights for me were city on down, about mr. brown, one shot, if only she knew, and fool in the rain. Short a try was a great rarity that was perfectly used. Of all the shows i've seen and heard, this was the best poker i've heard. No woman no cry, highest mountain, so lonely, and the "old school" ending were all used. Only complaints were the people shoving to get closer to the stage and that not many people around me and my friends knew many of the lyrics. My friends and I rocked out to every song. "We'll see you all soon."-Marc

P.S.--Did anybody see someone taping -laxhockey21 July 27, 2006
I have been to three O.A.R. shows and this one was by far the best. The setlist was great and the crowd was so into it, which makes all the more better. Can't wait till High Falls 07! -shoelessjoeop56 July 27, 2006
Great show. Way too many pukers/ drunk audience singers/ crowd surfers, but it still overall solid showing from the band. Looking forward to an amazing show in Saratoga. -rickvanr July 27, 2006
What a show. Great set, the band was into it. And my man Richard On was tearin' it up as usual, he's so under rated. I'm loving the City On Down intro, it adds a lot to the song. Risen was awesome as usual, and it was awesome to hear About Mr. Brown. Black Rock was awesome (no suprise), the Blood Outro was fantastic, the red lights added a lot to it. All I can say was the crowd was really into the entire show, the O.A.R. fans were really on top of things last night. Awesome show. Does anyone know if there was a taper there?

Can't wait for High Falls '07 -rocknroll54 July 27, 2006
Another incredible show.. Awesome set and great energy. Fool in the Rain was incredible along with the other covers that they threw into their songs. Can't wait for SPAC -freestyleyanks July 27, 2006
Ridiculous show... my fourth OAR show so far. Probably number 1 or 2 in comparsion to the awful set they played in Hershey this show was breathtaking. The lack of Hey Girl was a dissappointment but with a setlist this strong you cant complain. Great job to Jack's probably the best openers i have heard for OAR

DID ANYBODY SEE SOMEONE RECORDING THIS SHOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? -mct765 July 27, 2006
The show was bomb. a concert for true fans...some of the OAR fans suck -Old Man Time July 27, 2006
good time..sick show..not sure if it was the best i'v seen but its up there...great set list and having jack's mannequin as the opening band was a plus. would have been much better if soo many people wern't trying to get all the way up to the stage..that got kind of rediculous after a while...especially for all the people who were up there to begin with....i dont think there were that many diehard OAR fans there but hwo gives a fuck!! the crowd was nuts and it made it better at some times but bad at others...a lot of people didn't know some songs...but they all came alive during crazy game of always. from then on it was nuts...gret energy from and memories was sick too...for me..opening with city on down hit the right spot .. not to mention marcs solo Short A try....was the first time i'v heard it in concert...verry rare song.. -mikeski5306 July 27, 2006
this show rocked. passing out didnt even matter to me, i was right back up there in the front row within 1 song =] u guys were amazing! -cheerbabii2118 July 27, 2006
definitely a good setlist, played some stuff they havent played at high falls, and a good mix of old and new. super exited for no woman no cry, but it was really just a teaser cuz they didnt do the chorus, but hey, it was still sick. fool in the rain was super good too. also the jam intro for city on down, and the entire jam of anyways was crazy. they out did themselves once again.

the opening band on the other hand.. what was there name again... Jeffs haircut? no... umm Jareds candle? ahh anyways they blew, way to emo for me -FeelinEverfine July 27, 2006
my 3rd show and the best,not only that i have been to but in all of the recordings i have heard as well.i can't believe they played if only she knew and i loved jerry's new solo in one shot.In the article in relix magazine it mentions somwhere in there that once the band gets their new songs "bolted down" and get familiar with them then they can start to branch off in new additions like they have done with their other songs. and that is exactly what i saw last nite. Also i have never heard marc's voice in the state that it was in last nite. i new he had quite a range to his voice but every thing just flowed in his creative vocal jams. i would love to hear this show again, does any one have this show recorded? -chris July 27, 2006
Another great show at High Falls! -ubmatt7 July 27, 2006
Wow such a great show! this is my 9th or 10th show and it was great, I can't believe they played 19 songs, the crowd was going crazy and the band could definetly feel that energy. Can't wait to see them again next year! by the way the new intro for City on Down is outta hand! -benspo111 July 27, 2006

Amazing show... amazing setlist. . . . I have rarely been disappointed except for hershey... and a college here and there... so this would not have been such a suprise to me had i not read through some of the comments made about the band's performance in the midwest. BUT honestly, high falls was on FIRE! If we dont even include the ridiculously amazing setlist, the energy alone between the crowd and the band made this night phenomenal. Thank you Jerry's parents for putting together some pretty sweet genes. That man is one of the best sax players out there. way to f8ckin jam out! Can't wait for COLUMBIA, MARYLAND!!! -Niccy11 July 28, 2006
great show period -ansky2413 July 29, 2006
OMG amazing cant come close to describing this show but all i know is that they better come back next year and i hope someone recorded this show -seanyboyy22 July 29, 2006
Im with Gro on that one, cuz listenin to that concert again would be about a hyped up crowd...can't get over that bangin ass setlist...High Falls 07 letsss goooo -Knowityoulover July 29, 2006
WOW sick ass show.... i hope someone recorded it because that setlist was serious!! -shore July 29, 2006
AMAZING SHOW!!! It was my first one and I plan on going to so many boyfriend and I are huge fans...awesome setlist and amazing energy! Too bad where I was standing was a little rowdy...but it would have taken a lot more than that for me not to enjoy myself! -heygirl2312 July 29, 2006
Amazing show! I was right in the front and the energy was great. Not as many crowd surfers as in the armory in february which was a major upgrade. Setlist was awsome and 52-50 was the best ive ever heard it. I pray someone recorded this show..... -chris_mascia July 30, 2006
The energy on stage and in the crowd was unbelievable. Highlights for me..Dakota, heard the world, One shot, fool in the rain

Awesome show! -Dakota14 July 31, 2006
Someone better have recorded this. That's all I have to say. -OneShot9er August 2, 2006
Someone had to have taped this!!!!!!!!!!!! -dmbcdd41 August 30, 2006
great setting for an OAR concert and they played with more energy than i've ever seen. amazing setlist, with city on down, if only she knew, dakota, 52-50, night shift, short a try, and fool in the rain...what more could you ask for?!
probably my 2nd favorite OAR show -anytimenow5250 November 22, 2008