- Set 1:
- Encore:
- Short a Try ~
- Love and Memories
- Delicate Few (Second Half Only)
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.
First time Brand New was played.
First time The Fallout was played.
taper | type | number users | average quality | download link |
Joe Shambro | ![]() |
Downloads Brand New 4.4 MB
The Fallout 9.5 MB
Reviews sick set list, great energy, and good times. the only complaint i have is that this show could have taken place at a way better venue. all around good show with good people and a great 12th show. -tmohs October 27, 2006
Download the Fallout, one of the better songs ive heard in a while... it will definatly be a hit on a new cd.... some one needs to tab it out/ post the lyrics...Paris on th Key's is awe inspiring.... thanks rockstar -fredericks.t October 27, 2006
Great show, it sucked not being able to drink but at least I was able to remember the show and how amazing it was. Good energy from MU and I would love to see them there again any day. Made a great 7th show -Oarfanman October 27, 2006
fabulous show. i got there late n missed the first 5 songs, but i was treated to short a try and sco, not to mention being a part of the group to hear the fallout for the first time, which was awesome...i can see it going a long way. i loved the cardinals chants that turned into OAR chants in the end, it was a great showing of a great crowd of fans. every time i see paris i like him more and more, especially in fallout. all in all, a great 5th show for me... -jmanion October 27, 2006
This show started out a little slow but definately picked up by the very end. Falllout was freakin' awesome and by all means should be put on an album. I've submitted the lyrics to oarsa.org but if you want them I'll send them to you fredricks.t -Rockstar October 27, 2006
Ok so this is my little review of the show... To start off this crowd was sooo amazing. I have honestly never seen such energy. Everyone was clapping to the beat, singing, shouting. It was awsome. The setlist was eh IMO. More SOAS songs than I expected after Bloomington. Whose Chariot was an awsome surprise, as was About An Hour Ago. The new song debut was awsome, and the jamming on the end of SCO was SICK!!! They were really together, and looked like they were having a blast.
Some crowd surfers we retards, but all in all great night. The only drawback was the bastards who worked there took my damn sign before I could even walk in the place!! -stlang3l October 28, 2006
Thanks Marc for playing "Short a Try" for me... you da man! -WittichSTL02 October 30, 2006
Great show, crowd was into it, minus a few crowd surfers.. pretty cool encore, Short A Try was awesome, someone asked for it on oarafns, ( guy above) pretty cool they played it. -pokerguy19 November 6, 2006
This was my 2nd OAR show and was on the eve of my 21st Birthday! I remember going to McNallys afterwards & celebrating quite heavily. Thanks to whomever taped this. I'm glad I can re-listen to it again. From what I remember, not as good as my first show(08/02/2005 Portsmouth, VA, Killer show, wish someone had taped that one too) setlist wise but still a good time with the energy in Jesse Hall and the band sounded great. After enviously listening to Phish's show from old recordings in 94 at Jesse I was glad to see a show their myself as a student at my time at Mizzou -ragreen123 April 23, 2013