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scottdmboar's attendance & stats
  • has been to 9 show(s)
  • has seen 0 total song(s) played
  • has seen an average of 0 song(s) per show
  • has seen 43 different song(s) played, excluding cover songs
  • has seen 48 different song(s) played, including cover songs
  • has seen shows in 3 state(s) (NJ, NY, PA)
  • has a rarity rating of 33.15%
  • is going to 0 upcoming show(s)
  • has yet to see 135 song(s) played, excluding cover songs
  • has yet to see 323 song(s) played, including cover songs
  • has 22 show recording(s)
  • wants 0 show recording(s)
  • has offered 3 B&P(s) with 8 total package(s) being sent out
Show Attendance Heat Maps

Stats are calculated from your show attendance list. To add more shows to your list click the "i went" link when viewing the setlist for a show that you went to.