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Meijer Gardens Amphitheater 06.11.2023 - Grand Rapids, MI With: Preston Cooper
  1. Set 1:
    1. Dangerous Connection
    2. Wonderful Day
    3. 52-50
    4. Risen
    5. This Town
    6. California
    7. Black Rock
    8. About an Hour Ago
    9. About Mr. Brown
    10. Toy Store
  2. Encore:
    1. I Feel Home &
    2. I Go Through
    3. Peace
    4. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
Show was cut short due to an attendee's medical emergency after Toy Store.
The band resumed with a few more songs after a roughly 45-minute break.
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.
Entire show with Jon Lampley on trumpet and vocals.

Recordings No recordings available. Check back later.

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