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Album Stats
Souls Aflame: 40%
The Wanderer: 30%
In Between Now and Then: 10%
Risen: 10%
Cover Songs: 10%

Show Rarity: 49.51%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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FOB Warrior 08.28.2007 - Kirkuk, Iraq With: none
  1. Set 1:
    1. Night Shift ->
    2. Stir It Up
    3. Dareh Meyod
    4. About an Hour Ago
    5. Delicate Few
    6. Black Rock
    7. I Feel Home &
    8. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
    9. City on Down
    10. Hey Girl
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.

Recordings No recordings available. Check back later.

Reviews First I must say thank you to O.A.R. You guys are wonderful and amazing. I have been wanting to see you perform live since the first day I heard your music, which was over five years ago; who would have thought I'd get to see you guys while deployed to Iraq. It was an experience I will never forget. It's been three days now and the excitement has yet to wear off. The show was amazing, you are all awesome musicians. I wish the show could have gone on for hours. I'm sure you guys would have done it, but those USO people keep you on a pretty tight schedule. Thank you again. I just hope you all know how much it means to us here. Marc said thank you to all of us who are serving over here and he said that words could never express the thanks that he gives. Well the same can be said to you guys. You may not be Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, or Airmen, but you put yourselves at some risk to come over here to entertain us and show your support. For that I thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Now I can't wait to see you in concert some time back in the States. -SMP August 31, 2007