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Album Stats
Stories Of A Stranger: 31%
Souls Aflame: 31%
The Wanderer: 19%
In Between Now and Then: 13%
All Sides: 6%

Show Rarity: 34.36%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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New England Dodge Music Center 08.12.2007 - Hartford, CT With: Augustana
  1. Set 1:
    1. Untitled
    2. The Wanderer
    3. Lay Down
    4. Anyway *
    5. Risen
    6. Living in the End
    7. City on Down (Organ Intro)
    8. The Stranger
    9. Daylight the Dog ->
    10. Black Rock (Bongo Intro)
    11. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
    12. Heard the World
    13. So Moved On
    14. Hey Girl
  2. Encore:
    1. Get Away (Fast)
    2. Love and Memories
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.
* with the "Facemelter" on guitar.

Michael Reilly

Reviews I'm going to start the review with a big 'ol WOW. You knew this concert couldn't go wrong with the first couple to strums of Untitled to kick off the night and then only to get better with The Wanderer. Facemelter's glorious solo on Anyway was mind blowing and Living In The End has taken its way to another classic. The Stranger was a pleasant surprise to relax the mood after a great City On Down. And Daylight The Dog was incredible. I had no idea what they have done with the end of it with a jam, which led into a great Black Rock. Pokes and Heard were good and then came another great one So Moved On. And then Hey Girl. And I was thinking that now Marc would come out solo, but when Jerry and Chris were following right behind him, I was pumped. Get Away was hands down the best song of the night.

Crowd was annoying but managable. O.A.R. was great tonight and sounded great too. Marc interacted with the crowd a lot more than Jones Beach last week which was great. Overall, great show and killer set. -mincus64 August 13, 2007
absolutely amazing show with tons of energy and one of the best sets ive ever seen...untitled got things going great, wanderer (i dont think i need to say more there), lay down, anyway and risen were amazing as always and living in the end has worked its way right there too. probably the best city on down ive ever heard, then daylight the dog with the jam going at the end and then into blackrock was crazy cool. poker, heard the world and hey girl were their usual awesomeness but the band sounded so good. So moved on = incredible.
And then get away happened...words cannot describe.
finally, love and memories finished everything with a bang.

i was gonna try not to list every song, but honestly with that set i couldnt leave one out. the crowd was pretty cool where i was, a little quiet at times but a few rows in front of me things looked pretty crazy.

Amazingness. -aliendog97 August 13, 2007
great show, good crowd. met alot of pub24 ppl. got a setlist and ill put it up later About Mr. Brown was actually replaced by Get Away -O.A.R.fan4Life August 13, 2007
Great show. 8th show and it was probably the best thus far. I was in the 2nd row behind the guy with the Get Away sign, so it was pretty exciting when they played it replacing about mr. brown. OAR just continues to impress me...looking forward to Saratoga next week. -tinman93 August 13, 2007
Alright first of all, The dodge, was pretty empty . . . i was thinking that the boys would be lazy and put up a mediocre show. . . Boy was i wrong!

I had two front row tickets and O.A.R. possibly played the best setlist for this occasion. It was my tenth time seeing 'em. Besides that is the story behind Get Away. My friends and i have been to countless shows and we have never seen our beloved "Get Away(fast)." until tonight.

I brought a sign that said Get Away on it, knowing that i was in the front row and Marc was bound to see it sooner or later. He saw the sign and looked at me and said,"I gotta talk to the boys in the back about that one"

The show continued with an amazing energy for such an empty place. So Moved On was flat out insane and every other song was flipping amazing.

Then Get Away happened. When Marc and the boys came out for the encore, he stared at me again holding the sign . . . he stopped looked again and said,"Alright" My mind was blown just for the fact that they played Get Away! i got a setlist after the show and they originally planned to play About Mr. Brown. But it could not have compared to Get Away!

Awesome show, good set list! sick ass time! -Possum August 13, 2007
The shows start was great, after that it was average (for them) other than "Get Away". The first 7 were GREAT! -tindawg31 August 13, 2007
I guess I'll be the first negative review on here ... granted the band put a lot of energy into the show, but I felt it was a rather sub-par setlist with a awful crowd, really made for a bummer of a concert experience for me -firedwarftj August 13, 2007
This show was so freakin good. I can't say anymore. -BaseballStar705 August 14, 2007
It started off late at the dodge, but they came out strong starting off with Untitled, they played their songs fast and quick, Setlist was really good. The concert was short and sweet basically, the crowd was ok, alot of ppl werent really singing to the music. Get away was played nuff said greatest song ever to jam too, marcs freestyle to black rock was amazing and really smooth it was awesome. All in all it was a good concert -Taijis August 14, 2007
without being there and just looking at the setlist, i would say this has to be the best show by far ... m'effer -chev1169 August 15, 2007
This was my first show and me and my buddies were sitting front row bass side of the stage. I enjoyed the show alot but felt it was very front loaded. The first 7 were fantastic, Untitled was a great surprise opener. Excited to hear the Wanderer and Living in the End as well. I felt like the second half of the show was for the most part underwhelming. The band was tight and had great energy, but it was all the hits or SOAS songs, and not some of the more rare songs I was hoping to get. I would have loved to hear SCO, Dareh Meyod, KOTT, or especially Whose Chariot, which all except WC were played the night before. Stranger & Daylight were alright but I'm not a fan of either really. So Moved On was nice, and Get Away was awesome. I'm glad he gave in to the front row sign and played it. Love and Memories is not a good closer for a show based on this experience. 11 of 16 songs were on the MSG disc, which I was hoping to hear a little variety off of that, but oh well it was still an entertaing show. So in conclusion, I had a great time at my first show and am looking forward to seeing them again and hopefully getting a set more like the night before. -mja271 August 15, 2007
i guess i'll be the second negative review. this was my fifth time seeing them and i have to say it was boring at times...but maybe it was because i had lawn seats and i'm usually front row right in front of benj. oh well -Matt8288 August 15, 2007
sick of hearing love and memories at the end but other than that pretty sick setlist...lay down is one of there best songs for sure -asac2452 August 17, 2007
i have to say seeing my favorite band front row was sick (matt i was sitting where you usually do)... but i have to say after city on down i wasnt as into it as i thought id be. marc said they were gonna leave it all on the stage right after COD and went directly into the stranger and... an ok song but KOTT or whose chariot would have been clutch. i really wish they played L&M earlier and got it out of the way but Get Away was still by far the best song of the night. Wanderer was sick... untitled is an awesome opener, and of course Anyway with facemelter was great too. probably the worst setlist ive had with the best seats ive had so i cant really complain. cant wait for the next show. -steviewonder August 20, 2007
It was my first time seeing them, but at times it was boring because they played too many of the slower songs. I noticed that other people thought the same thing because at certain time everyone was just sitting down. They should have played Mr. Brown and night shift and conquering fools. -mjbrslou August 28, 2007