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In Between Now and Then: 33%
The Wanderer: 25%
Stories Of A Stranger: 17%
Any Time Now: 8%
Risen: 8%
Cover Songs: 8%

Show Rarity: 32.19%
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Bonnaroo Music Festival 06.11.2005 - Manchester, TN With: Festival Lineup
  1. Set 1:
    1. 52-50
    2. Whose Chariot?
    3. Dareh Meyod *
    4. Destination (Fire on the Mountain Tag)
    5. Anyway
    6. Lay Down
    7. Black Rock
    8. Sunday Bloody Sunday
    9. Delicate Few
    10. James
    11. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker (Devil's Intro)
    12. Missing Pieces
* with Rit Venerus on guitar.

Jay Klauminzer

Reviews show was amazing - even LOUDER crowd than broo 03, which is hard to imagine. the crowd easily was larger than the tent, and hundreds of people that weren't covered braved horrible rain to see the rest of the show - i was truly impressed. -Jay June 12, 2005
Loved the older stuff; Destination, Black Rock, Delicate Few, and Missing Pieces were awesome. James with Jerry on guitar was unreal. I had a tough time hearing Jerry's sax, but maybe that was just me? I was looking forward to hearing some new songs bc of the new album coming up, but oh well.. All in all, it was a good show. -DaSlickMan June 12, 2005
i am still waiting for an encore.... -cwagisKingofThing June 13, 2005
The show at Bonnaroo was incredible. The fans were great and the crowd surfers were crazy. Jerry jammed the shit out of his sax on whose chariot. Marc and Richard's four acoustic songs on the Sonic Stage were also amazing. -bball3692 June 13, 2005
unbelievable show....i stood in the rain and saw the best performance of OAR ever...amazing U2 and Dead covers and delicate few rocked! i hope they return to bonnaroo next year -edge018 July 7, 2005
I can honestly say i was in tears from start to finish at this show. I hate naming "Best" shows, because I find that once the music starts, no matter what the crowd is like or the people are like or what mood i may have been in...everything vanishes and for that hour or two hours or whatever amount of time they are playing....the world disappears and it's just me and them and the music....but this show sticks out in my mind as one of my favorites. anyway, lay down, black rock, delicate few, sunday bloody sunday, destination, missing pieces, JAMES! it was like i picked the setlist myself....just an unbelievably good time! -motorcycle_driveby July 16, 2005
One of the better shows i have seen, the rain drove people away though. Luckily we were about 3 deep to the stage.Those of you in the rain nearly parished. No Encore was pretty disapointing, but with that setlist who cares. -chunk651 July 23, 2005
Good show. I thought the rain kinda made things fun. It made for an interesting backdrop. I wish I would have known about (and seen) their acoustic mini set earlier on this day but oh well. What a terrific festival! Bonnaroooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! -jwid21 August 11, 2005
Did not go to show but just downloaded on at the store. Definitely recommended. Amazing. Still the best live there ever was. -aubfan2411 August 17, 2005
Amazing is the only way to describe it! Awesome set list, and plenty of energy from the crowd. It was my first oar show and wont be the last! -0 whose chariot 0 November 9, 2005
amazing to the tent early, so our standing room was great...only wish the show could have been longer, band wasnt able to do an encore, but i loved it just the same -bzack December 3, 2005
I was seriously so insanely gone...from the music and pure exhaustion over the days, just getting out of the rain made me happy, but seriously to hear that crowd nearly start a riot because Bonnaroo Reps wouldnt let them come out for a encore is tubular. -Hyalump January 12, 2006