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Album Stats
Stories Of A Stranger: 55%
In Between Now and Then: 14%
Souls Aflame: 14%
The Wanderer: 9%
Risen: 5%
Cover Songs: 5%

Show Rarity: 30.25%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Nokia Theatre Times Square 10.03.2005 - New York, NY With: none
  1. Set 1:
    1. I Feel Home &
    2. 52-50
    3. Wonderful Day
    4. Love and Memories
    5. Program Director *
    6. Nasim Joon
    7. Daylight the Dog $ ^
    8. Tragedy in Waiting $
    9. Dakota
    10. Lay Down *
    11. The Stranger !
    12. Heard the World !
    13. One Shot * !
    14. Sledgehammer * !
    15. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
    16. Anyway
    17. Mr. Moon
    18. Whose Chariot?
    19. Hey Girl (Louie Louie Tag / Kaya Tag / Hush Little Baby Outro)
    20. Delicate Few
  2. Encore:
    1. Black Rock (Long Day Intro / Blood Outro)
    2. City on Down (With or Without You Outro) #
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys.
* with Pete Mills on sax.
* with Elaine Burton.
^ with Lenny Pickett on sax.
! with Paulette McWilliams on vocals.
! with Cindy Mizelle on vocals.
$ with Colin Smith of mrnorth on vocals.
# with Matt Nathanson on vocals.
First time Sledgehammer was played.
First time Daylight the Dog was played.

Dylan Hand and Nathan Acker

Downloads Daylight the Dog 4.4 MB
Sledgehammer 4.7 MB

Reviews All I gotta say is WOW. What an awesome setlist. The band played the entire STORIES OF A STRANGER album. All the new songs sounded awesome live!! Sledgehammer cover was badass...simply fantastic. OAR once again has become more like Dave Matthews in that OAR, too, has "lovely ladies" backing them up. Awesome job those two ladies did tonight. THEN it didnt stop there. In the encore with an unbelievable surprise (not to mention it was Marc's birthday today and we all sang happy birthday to him....happy 18th Matt Nathanson came out during City on Down in the encore and the band broke into an interlude of U2's With Or Without You. By far, this was the best setlist yet to come. This setlist would have been recorded by yours truly but JB the soundboard guy informed me they were having technical problems with the patchbox so therefore was not working. Hopefully they themselves will release it some day soon. Overall, I am ecstatic over tonight's performance. This one will be remembered for many days and months to come. What a way to promote the new album!! Excellent job boys and thanks for the awesome setlist!! -dmbgreystreet05 October 3, 2005
I don't know what to say.....This was the most amazing show I have ever been to....The boys were incredible and all the special guests were great. No other band can bring the energy OAR does, it is just simply impossible...The energy in that room last night was crazy......Heard The World, 52-50, Nasim Joon, Lay Down, Love and Memories, Black Rock, Delicate Few, and City on Down were my favorite songs.....I cannot wait to see them again in November....YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!Thank you!! -mathews7302 October 4, 2005 One of the best shows I've been to ever, by any band. The energy in this small theatre was unbelievable, the set was amazing, every song came out tight and loud live, it was an amazing performance. On a personal note I was 1st row center and then chilled w all the guys after the show which basically made my life, but even without those perks it was amazing. can't wait to see the surprise they pull out early January (as Jerry informed me). Hopefully they keep this up for the rest of the tour, awesome work guys. -OAROC October 4, 2005
Ive been to a lot of shows, but this one was tits. -nchadwic October 4, 2005
I can't believe I had to give my tickets away for this one. I hope to god someone taped it . . . -BltByKrmn October 4, 2005
wow incredible 5th time seeing oar and this was by far the best. heard the world and program director are amazing live and as usual poker was the song that got the crowd completely into the show. special guests made the show, and they just kept on coming. colin smith has an amazing voice and was a great addition to the concert. but the best part of the show was by far matt nathanson coming out half way through city on down and joining oar in a u2 song...just amazing. all i could say is i hope it was taped so i can listen to it again. thnx for the show, it was the best ive seen. -lazytj20 October 4, 2005
show was unreal in the middle of the set the crowd was awful i started off standing 2nd row and ended up being pushed back to like 6th and i couldnt really appreciate One Shot cause i was busy helping ppl off the ground who were crowd surfing and getting pushed -gvp19 October 4, 2005
Amazing show, setlist, and venue. The new cd sounds great live. Hope they play there again. -RevisitedRoberge October 4, 2005
Simply blown away. It was truly an amazing show. I feel bad for all the severely drunk people who arent going to remember it. -1luvlylady October 4, 2005
BEST SHOW I HAVE EVER BEEN TOO 2nd row dead center!! the new cd sounds great live. too many crowd surfers which sucked. Delicate few was amazing wish they played a lilmore old stuff. if anyone who standing in like the middle i no there was a bunch of people who has pictures please send me some to me.. 22 songs... wow... the red sox chants were funny...OAR is going to become huge.. -dannyyellin October 4, 2005
another amazing one in ny 52-50 was so good -frank October 4, 2005
one word....amazing. A pefect mix of old and new. Next time people, dont crowd surf, OAR isn't Green day. Im really going to miss hammerstein this year. -markis64 October 4, 2005
sickk show 2nd one of mine and the are both on the top of my concert list. -Rhcp4115 October 5, 2005
I didnt make it to the show but all i have to say is that the album is UNREAL. It has a little bit of everything in it and all different styles of oar in it that you have never seen before. GREAT JOB BY OAR on the album and i cant wait till they come out with their next one. -littleo112233 October 5, 2005
WOW THIS SHOW WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!..... this is my third concert since last winter and it was amazing.... the atmosphere of the crowd, the setlist, the venue everything was perfect. I thought this was going to suck compared to hammerstein but no it was awesome.... PLEASE COME BACK THIS WINTER!!!!!! <33 -iloveoarconcerts3 October 6, 2005
Disapointed. That's all I can say. I didn't like the fact that they played the entire CD because quite frankly, not all the songs on it are worth playing. Program Director is just the song I'll go to take a piss at everytime I hear it. Personally, in my opinion, the worst song they ever made. Jerry was awful tonight. Richard was the best, his solo's were sick. Highlights of the night "52-50", "ANYWAY", "LAY DOWN" "CITY ON DOWN". New York City alone was the highlight of the night, not the show. Worst one out of the 3 I've seen. -WHMATT3 October 8, 2005
FUCKIN AWESOME, stood front row and got one of Rich's picks. probably the best show i've seen them play. so sickk...and Yooo Dirtymouse....those guys that started that chant were me n my boys sucka...we were right on the railin!!! -sevskee22 October 9, 2005
fuckkkking amazing. seriously, second OAR show and i was on the floor a few rows back and the energy was just amazing (plus i was next to the kids who started delicate few so that was fun haha).. but yeah, the show was awesome and i'm going again @ camden on nov.26 and CANT WAIT!!!!!!! -dirrtymouse October 9, 2005
Another crazy show by O.A.R. Good vibe all around, but come on crowd surfers that was kinda shwag -Ladanday November 3, 2005
This show was fucking AMAZING. The crowd was really into it and it was Marc's birthday. The whole stories of a stranger album they played perfect, and you couldnt have asked for a better poker and city on down. This show was fucking ILLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! -slick923 June 2, 2006