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Souls Aflame: 29%
In Between Now and Then: 21%
All Sides: 14%
Stories Of A Stranger: 14%
The Wanderer: 14%
Any Time Now: 7%

Show Rarity: 46.26%
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Henry Maier Festival Park 07.01.2008 - Milwaukee, WI With: Summerfest Festival Lineup
  1. Set 1:
    1. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
    2. Risen
    3. Whose Chariot?
    4. This Town
    5. Untitled
    6. About Mr. Brown
    7. Destination (Fire on the Mountain Tag)
    8. Lay Down
    9. Hey Girl
    10. Dareh Meyod
    11. I Feel Home &
  2. Encore:
    1. Shattered (Turn the Car Around)
    2. Night Shift
    3. Love and Memories
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.

Recordings No recordings available. Check back later.

Reviews Wow!! This show was insane. Amazing setlist. Opening wth poker was one of the coolest things ever. The whole band seemed really into the show the entire time, and at least where I was standing, so did the crowd. After they played this town, Marc was like "that was a new one, so now heres a real old one, to keep it fair and balanced. This song has no title." I went nuts...Chariot, untitled, Mr. Brown all in the same show. Awesome. And some of the jams were unreal. Lay down was great and Fire on the mountain tag in destination rocked as well....cant wait for round two tonight -gprsh924 July 2, 2008
Great energy from the band and the crowd throughout the entire show - I was leery about the crowd this year having spent most of last year elbowing high schoolers to keep my spot, but not so much an issue for me this year. Besides the inflated condoms and frequent scent of weed, I thought the crowd was quite respectable, not too much thrown up on stage w/o Marc's request! They seemed to interact with the crowd a bit more this year as well, Marc had at least 3 different items (flower/few balls/sunglasses) which he picked up from audience members -- mentioned Happy Birthday to someone...

Just got the feeling the band was really enjoying the Summerfest vibe, and I thought they got a much better response this year than previous Milwaukee appearances. The crowd gave lots of feedback/singing which is something that didn't happen very much @ the Marcus the last time they were in Mil.

I was surprised and pleased to hear This Town/Shattered in the same night, I figured playing two nights back to back we would only get one. Anticipating to see what night 2 will brings as they took care of most the 'well known/popular' tunes on Tuesday.

I thought Whose Chariot was probably the highlight for me - always love hearing that live. The Lay Down jam sound pretty cool with Chris/Mike/Jerry, a simple jam but enjoyed it when all 3 tossed their sticks in the air after the jam. Great stuff on night 1 - great energy, good setlist, excited to see what night 2 brings. -UWTravis July 2, 2008
I still can't believe we get to see these guys two nights in a row...

I thought Marc was havin a blast up there, I was worried as well that there would be some people crowd surfing or throwing stuff up, but for some reason, the crowd was well behaved, singin along like it was their jobs.

Loved the fair and balanced comment, another fun one was that he called Lay Down a "baby-makin song" and that we should make some new friends around us.

In my perfect world they would play songs we didn't hear last night both new and old to give me what is mine, one day, RATTOWT, about an hour ago.

here's hopin... -jcadorin July 2, 2008
Saw 4 people get arrested around me. Security was tweakin this night. I guess people were tweakin too.

After hearing the tuesday concert I decided to drop some cash and convince my buddies to stay for another night to hear more.

Night shift got the crowd bumpin.

Good to hear shattered and fire on the mountain cover.

Ive only been to 5 concerts now, but I thought marc usually said some shit when stuff happened in the crowd, and when all those people got arrested for gettin high he didn't notice or didnt say anything.

Being off to the right of the bleachers basically ruined the experience. Couldn't see, surrounded by people in bad moods. Summerfest has a shitty bleacher set up. It was good for dancing though, I was able to groove without having to worry about wether or not I was grinding on some random person accidentally like it is in the bleachers. I guess its all about weather or not you look at it with a positive attitude. -WindyCityWanderer July 3, 2008
this was by far the best summerfest show i have been to. i was pretty impressed with the crowd; no fights by me, no assholes pushing their way through and people actually knew some of the old stuff.

marc was working the crowd pretty well too. a couple of times a ball was thrown on the stage and he messed with the crowd than through it back. the second time he actually took his guitar off so that he could throw it farther. some girl threw a flower (couldnt tell if it was fake or real) on the stage and he tried to put it on his mic stand. he was working the crowd to during night shift. every show i go to i am more and more impressed with him as a front man.

now for the music....THEY OPENED WITH POKER!!!!! i have been waiting for that day to come and it finally did, amazing and i cant believed they ended the entire set on I Feel Home, that was great.

besides the 3 1/2 hour trip it took to get home because of all the construction on I-94 and I-294, it was a great night. Worth the trip.

last thing. someone decided to bring some condoms to the show and they blew them up so they were the size of balloons and let the breeze take them. LEGEN.....wait for it....DARY! -tfcolucci August 11, 2008