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Album Stats
All Sides: 21%
Stories Of A Stranger: 21%
The Wanderer: 21%
Souls Aflame: 16%
In Between Now and Then: 11%
King: 5%
Risen: 5%

Show Rarity: 33.02%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Meadow Brook Music Festival 07.25.2008 - Rochester Hills, MI With: The Beautiful Girls
  1. Set 1:
    1. Delicate Few
    2. Wonderful Day
    3. Living in the End
    4. One Shot
    5. Untitled
    6. Risen
    7. One Day
    8. About an Hour Ago
    9. On Top the Cage
    10. Black Rock
    11. On My Way
    12. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
    13. Lay Down
    14. Whose Chariot?
    15. The Wanderer
  2. Encore:
    1. Irish Rose ^
    2. Love and Memories
    3. Shattered (Turn the Car Around)
    4. About Mr. Brown
^ Marc and Jerry.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.

Live O.A.R.

Downloads Irish Rose 5.3 MB

Reviews insane setlist -stevep898 July 27, 2008
This was the first time I was able to see O.A.R. Live. I was blown away, much as the first time I was exposed to their music. The energy of the crowd was great. I never saw a person in their seat.

Delicate Few to open was awesome.

I think Living in the End rocked live. I wasn't a huge fan of that song until tonight.

Lay Down is such a great song. Almost every couple in the place was holding each other during it.

That leading in Whose Chariot.. just awesome.

I was really hoping they would play About Mr. Brown and it was a great way to close out the night.

I couldn't have asked for a better set list. They can't play them all, but I feel like I got my moneys worth.

I was very impressed with the fact that I was able to buy the show right after it was over. The soundboard guys did a great job, and I'll have a memento of that night forever.

I feel lucky to have been there and my wife and I enjoyed it immensely.

-psychade July 27, 2008
The show was nothing short of amazing. The set list was phenomenal. I could not have asked for anything more. Although I do love when they play, "Fool In The Rain" ;)

I love this venue. It's perfect. It was absolutely packed in the pavilion and on the lawn. Great, great energetic crowd. I was 2nd row and had no issues with anyone pushing or being obnoxious. It was obvious everyone was just there to have a good time.

I was also lucky enough to get Marc's guitar pick from "Shattered" during the encore. I posted some pics in my gallery here. I'll also be posting some short video clips on myspace and/or you tube. I wish I knew about the USB bracelet -- I would have gotten one!

Anyway, it was amazing to see them so close. They rocked! I can not wait to see them again...soon. -drocks July 27, 2008
On Top the Cage was dankkkkkkk -hamlinki July 27, 2008
Incredible show... I was front row, took my little sister to her first concert and Marc handed her a pick.. Insane setlist... Loved the show!! -MJLepor July 27, 2008
Awesome show. The crowd was great and even knew the words to some of the new songs which was awesome. I managed to get up to the 3rd row from my 9th row seats. On top the cage whoes chariot and the new song irish rose was great i cannot wait till next year. Ive been waiting to meet the band forever i hope to soon. And anyone with the USB braclet hook a brother up or spencer Schmale on OARFANS site thanks -laxman821 July 27, 2008
I have been attending OAR shows for years and I was truly dismayed by this display. OAR was a jam band. A real jam band. They were the child of DMB and the Grateful Dead. Now, they are produced by the same producer that created the ever so sold out Maroon Five. It is time for an OAR gut check. I am hoping that they look at their roots and figure out that contrived pop beats will not hold the attention of long time fans. I want my jam band back. -davematthewsrules August 1, 2008
first time ever seeing OAR live after a looooooong time waiting for them, absolutely great. meadowbrook festival definitely one of the most beautiful venues in the country - blown away. music was great, atmosphere was awesome. i was brought to tears..well almost
keep it up guys -sportsdudemk August 3, 2008
amazing show, had a sweet intro to delicate few. incase anyone stayed after OAR left the stage, that little dont stop believing thing was pretty amazing too. -PuertoNico October 9, 2008