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Album Stats
All Sides: 28%
The Wanderer: 22%
Souls Aflame: 17%
Stories Of A Stranger: 11%
Risen: 11%
In Between Now and Then: 6%
Unreleased: 6%

Show Rarity: 40.86%
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Nautica Pavilion 06.12.2009 - Cleveland, OH With: The Wailers
  1. Set 1:
    1. About Mr. Brown
    2. Something Coming Over
    3. Love and Memories
    4. Lay Down
    5. King of the Thing
    6. Dinner Last Night
    7. Anyway
    8. Conquering Fools
    9. Love Is Worth the Fall *
    10. What Is Mine *
    11. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker *
    12. Delicate Few
    13. Shattered (Turn the Car Around)
    14. Night Shift
    15. About an Hour Ago
    16. City on Down
    17. This Town
    18. Hey Girl
* full band acoustic.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.

Live O.A.R.

Reviews First of all - great setlist and amazing energy! Love is Worth the Fall was my highlight - such a great song!

But, just like every Cleveland O.A.R. show that I have ever been to, the crowd was horrible. Crowd surfing, pushing...I seriously think I missed half the show because I had to watch out and try and protect the group of people I was with...can't people just chill and enjoy some amazing music.

Anyway, lets end on a high note - after seeing Columbus and Cleveland back to back, I wish I could go every night! Amazing shows!
-ytownrevolution29 June 14, 2009
Good Show Overall. The crowd wasn't as bad as they have been in the recent past. Couldn't compare to the energy in Columbus but that's to be expected.

Nautica with the city in the background I feel made for a better venue than Tower City, better views all the way around.

The Wailers were/are Legendary. Didn't seem as though they were appreciated in Cleveland as much as in Columbus.

Now I just can't wait for MSG in August. -FromYoungstownOhio June 15, 2009
This venue wasn't big, but the crowd made up for it's lack of numbers with tons of energy.
We were right on the water on a beautiful night and O.A.R brought their A game on this night.
They played probably the best set i've ever seen them play.
About Mr. Brown was a great pick for the opener, and the intro they've used for it on this tour is awesome. Richard's got a load of talent.

King of the Thing was probably the highlight of the night for me. It's an absolute sick song in concert, and the band doesn't play it that frequently so it's special to hear.
Love is Worth the Fall was interesting to hear for the first time. it's not the kind of song O.A.R.'s fan base has been built around, a little mainstream from the band's normal roots, but it's a solid song nonetheless, and Marc really shined during it.
And after The Fall, the last 8 songs just blew the tent off the place. City on Down, This Town, and Hey Girl to end the show! kidding me? Simply awesome show -benzoarfan August 15, 2009