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Album Stats
Stories Of A Stranger: 29%
Souls Aflame: 24%
In Between Now and Then: 12%
The Wanderer: 12%
Cover Songs: 12%
Any Time Now: 6%
Risen: 6%

Show Rarity: 35.95%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Niagara University - Gallagher Center 11.12.2005 - Niagara University, NY With: Michael Tolcher
  1. Set 1:
    1. 52-50
    2. King of the Thing
    3. Risen
    4. Dareh Meyod
    5. Lay Down
    6. So Moved On
    7. Heard the World
    8. Love and Memories *
    9. City on Down
    10. About an Hour Ago
    11. Night Shift ->
    12. Stir It Up
    13. Wonderful Day
    14. Destination (Fire on the Mountain Tag)
    15. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker (Officer Tag)
    16. Hey Girl
    17. Free Fallin' * $
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.
$ with Michael Tolcher on guitar and vocals.
$ with Big Tiny on bass.
* with the "Tamborine Ninja".

Aaron Lakeland & Nathan Acker

Reviews wow great show altogether, but the crowd wasnt into it at all, marc was asking if they could wake up and try to have some fun, its sad that people dont want to go to the Show and have some fun, but it was absolutely fantastic -kingofthething November 14, 2005
Awesome show, Michael Tolcher was good as well, marc was very into it, as well as the front rows of the crowd, destination with the fire on the mountian tag was amazing, then again, this whole show was prolly the best I've been to thus far, free fallin' was amazing too, just bc I got to sing into the mic. with marc, and all my friends -FeelinEverfine November 14, 2005
Mad lame couldnt get in to see OAR....and they played the sickest set list in awhile....but maybe headed to NYC for a great ass time on the 14th @ Madison Square Garden.. -420_OAR_420 November 14, 2005
great show, the crowd didnt stard getting into it untill city on down. every one woke up then, and started crowed surfing. great setlist, im luckey i even got in b/c i came w/ no tickets, but lucley some one sold me some. -mrbrown5250 November 14, 2005
ya i couldnt get into this show becuz there were too many fuckin FREAKS... POSERS... CHINK CUNTS... FAT WHORES.. AND SCUMBAGS that just shouldnt have taken the time to wake up in the mornin... but for some reason they did, and i missed the fuckin show so u all could stand there like douchebags... fuck u all that went i hope u die... farts... lmao to the others that couldnt get in.. I hear ya... fuck them pigs -CityOnDown420 November 14, 2005
Well...Showed up with a ticket, left without one. Never saw the show,LAME. Why did oar have to broadcast on mtv and attract all these young preppy losers to stand still and waste space. PATHETIC. -0 whose chariot 0 November 14, 2005
wasn't there...i agree with a few comments me and a handful of my buddies could not be more pissed about the small venue and all these non oar fans that go there to hear poker...pretty sad we have friends that go to nu that couldnt even get tickets...someone at fredonia state needs to get them down here! -richbutts24 November 15, 2005
If you wanted to go so badly you would have gotten tickets through ticketmaster or something and/or not been an idiot and gotten yourself kicked out. Great show and setlist - can't wait for High Falls '06! -rome1337 November 16, 2005
My friends and I had a great time -cityondown13 November 16, 2005
Amazing setlist.
As for the audience, most people stood their with their arms crossed staring at the stage. It was the first time I heard Tolcher he was fabulous. I left Toronto at 6pm that night w/o tickets and made it in. How come some people didn't get in? It was definitly not the best crowd but it was OAR how could you NOT enjoy it?!?!
ps. there was a really cute guy next to me at the beginning he was wearing a tuc if your him let me know! haha I was in a white t-shirt with long dark hair -sarahsilver November 19, 2005
its so frustrating when the crowd isnt into a show.... but i think the band handled what they were dealt with pretty well. This is just a preview to the freaking AMAZING SHOW IN TORONTO -Niccy11 August 7, 2006