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Album Stats
Souls Aflame: 28%
Stories Of A Stranger: 17%
The Wanderer: 17%
All Sides: 11%
In Between Now and Then: 11%
Risen: 11%
Cover Songs: 6%

Show Rarity: 33.58%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Saratoga Performing Arts Center 08.19.2007 - Saratoga Springs, NY With: Augustana / Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers
  1. Set 1:
    1. Risen
    2. Love and Memories
    3. City on Down (Organ Intro)
    4. Conquering Fools
    5. Program Director
    6. Try Me
    7. About an Hour Ago
    8. Whose Chariot?
    9. Living in the End
    10. Night Shift
    11. Wonderful Day
    12. King of the Thing
    13. I Feel Home &
    14. Untitled
    15. Hey Girl $
    16. Delicate Few
  2. Encore:
    1. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
    2. Midnight Rider *
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.
$ with Doug Good on guitar.
* with Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers.
* with Augustana.

Drew Farenell and Andrew Hadley
Chuck Sclafani

Downloads Living in the End 5.3 MB

Reviews Awesome show overall. I thought that the band had great energy all around, and really made it an enjoyable performance. Definitely a show I was glad being in the 4th row for. And for everyone else that was in the middle of Section 5, around rows C, D, and E, thanks for making it enjoyable to be in the crowd. Everyone around me also knew all the lyrics and was really into the old stuff. Luckily it wasn't a bunch of people who only knew L&M.
They played a great set with a lot of old songs...luckily they got Love and Memories out of the way early where it fits well, leading to a great end of the set. I Feel Home was great to hear and they really played it well. Try Me was also nice, and I think it'll turn into a good new song.
The Midnight Rider encore was crazy, with both Augustana and Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers coming out trashed in underwear and with palm trees and balloons. It was clear that everyone up there was having a blast, and Marc basically turned into a bystander for much of it.
Does anyone know who that local guitarist was that came out during Hey Girl? I don't think Marc ever introduced him more than just a "local guy". -PenguinMan August 20, 2007
This was an amazing show. Stephen Kellogg & the sixers were amazing. They are great performers and i loved their last song and how he ran through the crowd and up to the lawn. Augustana i was dissapointed with. I still liked them , but i thought Stephen Kellogg was better. Then OAR. amazing . The energy from the crowd was so good and the band seemed like they were having a great time. About and hour ago and I feel home were the highlights for me. And Whose Chariot was so good. I loved Mikel Paris' keyboard solo, that was amazing. Midnight rider was hysterical when stephen kellogg and augustana came out in their underwear. That was a great song. It was a great show. I'm very pleased. I went to this one last year, and I'd say I liked this one more. The crowd this year seemed to know more than just L&M. I hope they enjoyed it just as much as i did. Great way to end their summer tour.

For those of you who missed this show, the last song was great. Midnight rider with all 3 groups. I happened to get it on video camera is a little unsteady because i just couldn't stand still during this , but you can see a lot of what happened. :] its great. -OfaRevolution13 August 20, 2007
WHAT A KICKASS SETLIST....i had a blast; TRY ME is a badass song; much potential there; sweet to hear CONQUERING FOOLS; reminded me of the ANY TIME NOW live album. So now onto the good news bad news...good news is i taped the openers of augustana set and the sixer's set. (someone please email me with the titles of the songs in order they were performed if you know ) and i recorded off the soundboard for OAR set. bad news is....i forgot to adjust a setting on my recorder and the entire OAR set was recorded in the hot zone and therefore its not as great as you'd like. hope the 3 other sources came out better.

Overall...this was a night NOT to be missed. it was wild and crazy to see the sixer's dance around and jam in jungle costumes during MIDNIGHT RIDER; it was like a frat party on stage; there were balloons and palm trees everywhere....nutty...and all for just one last song :D -dmbgreystreet05 August 20, 2007
OMG best show ive been to yet..........All of the cuse town was in SPAC just jammin... Aug and OAR killed it nice new song plus program was a sweet touch.. Jammin with bmogs linds and benny great time......

mastro -Mastro August 20, 2007
Amazing setlist, maybe the best i've seen yet. The energy from the band was impressive as were the songs and solos....I'm basically still blown away by the performance. Finally got to hear some classics in conquering fools, king of the thing, and i feel home...i'd been hoping for those for years.

Great way to end the tour -tinman93 August 20, 2007
Awesome show. I was in section 5 row E like penguin man said and it was nuts. at the end i got a nod from marc ( I had been trying all night 2 get a nod or point or soemthing). The energy was just unreal, they looked like they were having so much fun. As for the setlist, proabbly a 9 out of 10. If anyway or 52-50 was played I prolbably would have cried. But im glad i got to see king of the thing and conquering fools. Overall absoultuly amazing show I hope to see them back in saratoga next summer. -52 fifty more August 20, 2007
AWESOME show, I had some good seats for getting tixs the day of...the people around me were having a good time and singing along so it made for such a better show...the band had a ton of energy for the whole show especially Poker and L&M...kudos for Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers they were pretty steller, and the finale was hilarious... I think the guy on guitar for Hey Girl was Rit Venerus he looked like the smae guy who played with them on Hey Girl @ RPI two years ago, and they had mentioned then the guy was a local.... -njdevils04 August 20, 2007
Amazing show. Period. From Risen, right on through to Midnight Rider, the band was feeling it, as was the incredible crowd. Great to hear Who's Chariot? and King of the Thing. The crowd singing the begining of Delicate Few was one of the high points of the show. I'm going to say what everyone else has already, but Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers and Augustana coming out wasted in their underwear was one of those moments that you don't forget. The party on the stage capped a night not to be missed. Great to see the guy wanting freebird again! Incredible show, incredible night...Thanx to Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers, Augustana, and of course Marc, Chris, Mikel, Richard, Benj for an absolutely phenomonal summer tour. Can't wait till next year!!! -scheisty1 August 20, 2007
Awesome awesome show. Stephen Kellogg was an awesome group to listen to and watch for entertainment. Also running through the crowd and joking around, giving props to the 80s.

Augustana was much better at this show from CMAC. Jerry came out and did a sax solo with them during the middle of the set. Refered to as the sexiest man alive, and even gave a kiss. You could tell they were also having a good time on the stage as the last show for the 3 years they have been touring off their cd.

OAR was phenominal as always. I had front row center seats, so rocking out with the band was great. Probably the best show I have been to next to MSG 2007. Whose Chariot and Night Shift were probably the best I have ever heard live. Jerry's solo's all night were rediculous, I really can't wait for the tape to be uploaded.

Also the ending of the show was a riot. Got a few high fives from guys in there tighty whitey's, haha. My buddie next to me got Chris' drum stick, and Marc handed me a pic as he was walking off the stage.

Overall, a pretty sweet end to a great tour. -Sleepr56 August 20, 2007
well well well, where to begin. Not much to criticise about this one. Crowd was great, no throwing shoes, crowd surfing, not too many puking 15 year olds (At least near me), and seemed like the majority of the crowd knew more than L&M. Set list cant get too much better, maybe just add Mr. Brown or Black Rock. Whole show was filled with highlights, too many to mention. Glad to have L&M out of the way early. They played with alot of energy and emotion. Try Me sounds like it could be an awesome song. Sad to hear that this was last show for a while, but knew it was comming. Looking foreword to the next album judging by the new stuff they have been trying out. Cant wait to get the tape. Thanks to whoever taped. -bigman1014 August 20, 2007
i am PISSED i missed this setlist by one night. looks like it was a fun -hnn861 August 20, 2007
Don't get me wrong...I had a blast at Merriweather and thought it was a good show, but the set list for this show is insane! This is the kind of set list I expected to see at Merriweather since it was the home show. It was fun, but I'm disappointed this wasn't our set list....It has all the songs I wanted to hear.

It must have been a blast everyone had an awesome time at this show. -AnnapolisOARfan August 23, 2007
I have seen O.A.R. three times and this was the best out of the three times. It was the last show of their tour. theyve had a great year with selling out MSG and all.
the local guitarist was don good. -cpo1292 August 27, 2007
Perfect O.A.R. set.. couldn't be better. SK6ers were great too. -Tnutz3 September 14, 2008