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Album Stats
All Sides: 33%
The Wanderer: 22%
Souls Aflame: 17%
Stories Of A Stranger: 11%
In Between Now and Then: 6%
Risen: 6%
Cover Songs: 6%

Show Rarity: 33.07%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre At Encore Park 09.27.2008 - Alpharetta, GA With: Matt Wertz
  1. Set 1:
    1. Living in the End
    2. Love and Memories
    3. One Shot
    4. Night Shift
    5. This Town
    6. Risen
    7. About Mr. Brown
    8. On My Way
    9. Here's to You
    10. Conquering Fools
    11. Get Away (Fast)
    12. I Feel Home &
    13. Shattered (Turn the Car Around)
    14. City on Down
    15. War Song
  2. Encore:
    1. With a Little Help from My Friends
    2. One Day
    3. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.

Live O.A.R.
Jeff Brock
Jeff Brock

Reviews not as good as last year at chastain. middle was incredible, beginning and end were sloppy/typical. didnt care for this town, one shot, and l&m all in a 4 song run

EDIT: i dont know where all of you were but i was in the orchestra standing GA and i could tell everyone knew the words around me. did you not see how happy marc was? the band was fucking loving it. i thought that this was the crowd that knew more songs than any other show ive been too. listen to the recordings and you can hear the crowd in almost every song

and one day is a horrible song to play second in encore, what a mood killer, i know the words and wasnt singing that one -csschaff September 28, 2008
Agree with Schaff the beginning of the show was awful, This Town and L&M I mean come on. Ill give them this thou after This Town the show really took off. Highlight of the night was Get Away! Also hats off to the the crowd, best crowd I've ever seen at an O.A.R. concert and thats saying something. Dmo has no idea what he is talking about go listen to another CD besides All Sides and Stories of a Stranger. -Konstantine21 September 28, 2008
show was incredible, setlist was amazing but the crowd was terrible.. no one around me knew the words and were texting the whole time and someone kept calling out the bama game score.. definietly not a devoted crowd

Konstantine- hey douchebag first off im a girl, secondly i said i liked the setlist,where did i ever mention a song from all sides or stories of a stranger? -dmo867 September 28, 2008
Show was amazing, I was among those in the front row in the center, unfortunately being that close, it was hard to really focus on the different parts of a song, sometimes if it weren't for physically watching marc or rich strum the guitar, i wouldn't think they were playing anything. hopefully those in the back heard the music better. the crowd was awesome aside from the occasional douchebag trying to force his way to the front. The crowd didn't seem as stoked to be there as i've seen from the crowds on the west coast/mid U.S. shows(lots of people out there are downright fanatical), but awesome nonetheless. I had an amazing time and it was definitely one of my favorite shows.

@ lindsay, i'm sorry you had a bad time, i'll agree the crowd could have been better, fortunately, i didn't see much of the crowd(got there early and was almost right in front of marc) i tried to ignore the bad and really take in the energy of the band and the music. unfortunately atlanta doesn't appreciate them like they should, too worried about the stupid foolsball game.

i feel home, and city on down... that was the first time i heard them live... gave me goosebumps. glad to walk away with that experience. -thephoenix007 September 28, 2008
the show was awesome! fantastic set list again- sort of similiar to the knoxville show i went to but still amazing. I LOVED one day & night shift was a pleasant surprise. City on down, war song and one day among my favorite live songs they could play! They do an incredible job.

Beautiful venue and good over all crowd energy- but I was second row and the kids there sucked.

Too bad thats the best crowd Konstantine had ever seen- not one kid around me knew the words to the songs,everything from conquering fools to one day to get away, the crowd needed to listen to a few more CDs dude. Noone was dancing and all the kids in the middle just pushed and hit people to get a step closer from before matt wertz came on up until the encore. The kids were taking a hundred thousand pictures and chanting Bama football cheers, ridiculous. Definitely not fans like I've seen in New York and @ Knoxville's show.

The set list was fantastic, I was near Benj and it was ridiculous- he has such an awesome stage presence and is so entertaining! Definitely an unbelievable group of guys to see live, and their song choices and sequence was awesome and kept changing it up to keep everyone going.

The crowd for real was just in poor taste. Half those kids must have won/were given the tickets because it sucks to see so many people taking up room from real fans.

No doubt I <3 OAR, come back to the Southeast soon guys!

thewanderer- you were awesome, I was right next to you- the girl with the brown hat on, you were the exception to the girls around me, glad to see someone else had fun! -lindsay11 September 29, 2008
show was fun, met the guys before, they were all very cool. heres to you, conquering fools, and get away was the best part of the show. great 3 song run. i was the kid in the 2nd row infront of benj with his shirt off. everyone around me was dancing and having a good time. good setlist, good crowd, i just dont like the venue. -thewanderer90 September 29, 2008
Never before had I been apart of a crowd who participated so much. Seeing Marc's face when the amphitheater sang Shattered was priceless. This was my fourth and final show of a road trip that started in VA. I was tired and did not know if I would be able to rock out as hard as I had the three previous shows. OAR did not fail to bring forth the last little bit of energy I had. It amazes me how the guys can bring it everynight. Thanks OAR for rocking me out the hardest in my home town!!! -mottaboo September 30, 2008
I was there and it was awsome I have been an OAR fan for a long time and I am sorry to all who are annoyed by the whistles I didnt think they would pick up on the mics lol -SirCatfish October 19, 2008