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Album Stats
Stories Of A Stranger: 35%
The Wanderer: 24%
Souls Aflame: 18%
All Sides: 6%
In Between Now and Then: 6%
Risen: 6%
Cover Songs: 6%

Show Rarity: 32.58%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Time Warner Cable Amphitheater At Tower City 08.05.2007 - Cleveland, OH With: Augustana / Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers
  1. Set 1:
    1. Love and Memories
    2. Program Director
    3. Delicate Few
    4. Road Outside Columbus
    5. The Wanderer
    6. About an Hour Ago
    7. Daylight the Dog ->
    8. Living in the End
    9. Toy Store
    10. Black Rock (Bongo Intro / Blood Outro)
    11. The Stranger
    12. Lay Down
    13. Big Easy *
    14. Night Shift
    15. Hey Girl
  2. Encore:
    1. Heard the World
    2. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.
* with Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers.

Joel Hawksley

Reviews great setlist, not so great crowd. i got a recording, and so did aaron from oarfans. both were SBD. -jhawksley August 6, 2007
I must agree it was a pretty good setlist and I enjoyed the show for the most part, but the crowd was so bad. I guess I never saw the fun in throwing shit and picking fights. Oh well still a fun show! -gbasch21 August 6, 2007
Great show, great band, shitty crowd.

WHAT'S UP JERRY'S KIDS!!!!!! -ytowndj August 6, 2007
Show was great!!! Basically every song I hoped they would play was played. Same crowd as last year that wanted to get high, crowd surf and throw sandles, but i just ignored them and enjoyed the hell out of the band. They get better every time I see them. Stage set up was great, lighting was basic but perfect for an O.A.R. show -kevinalcox August 6, 2007
Awesome show! Loved every minute of it! The crowd wasn't so bad down in front of Benj...I think I only got kicked by a surfer once. "Big Easy" with the SK6ers was unbeliveable!

And since I'm from Youngstown, totally loved Jerry's Liberty Band shirt during the encore! -dakota721 August 6, 2007
Great Show...Awesome Setlist. i Have to Agree left side was the best side...Really wanted to hear stir it up, but im sure the guys will make it up to me one day.
-"Jerry's Kids" -melewski August 6, 2007
Defintiely a great show, good setlist, crowd wasn't as bad in the front right by Jerry

Dakota, that Liberty band shirt was given to him by some of us that came from Liberty for the concert, we gave it to one of the security guards before the show to give to Jerry and he put it on when Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers came on with Marc, definitely suprised me that he wore it during the show though -LHS2007 August 6, 2007
Loved hearing Toy Store and The Wanderer.
There is enough said already about the awful crowd.
I loved how Marc threw in the O-H-I-O in Black Rock. Great Set... can't wait for the album -Jborders12 August 6, 2007
Well I must say it was the best out of the 3 shows I saw in the last ten days, but the crowd was definitely the worst! What ever happened to the fans that come for the show! Why do people have to ruin our good time with crowd surfing and fighting? Not cool! Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers coming on for Big Easy was AWESOME!Left side was the best side!

~Jerry's Kids!~ from Ytown -carlysusor August 7, 2007
Show was amazing. Crowd surfing...not so much. Set list was good i was hoping for "I Feel Home" or some "Hold on True" but it was sick anywway! -deegsie12 August 7, 2007
crowd was absolutely terrible about 15 feet from the stage by Marc. The setlist was crazy good but I couldn't enjoy it because of the Non-OAR fans being ridiculous around me. Cheers to the band for being troopers through the stupidcrowdness. -mkrcc12 August 7, 2007
show 10 for me (finally)and it was nothing short of great. somehow i enjoy their shows more and more each time i see them which is sweet...typical towercity crowd of young girls, drunk toughguys, and crowdsurfing. besides that the setlist was nothing but fun around each and every turn. doubt the newer fans realize how special the setlist was with things like Delicate Few, Wanderer, Night Shift, and Toy Store...I came in hoping to hear Living In the End and it was just flat out sweet and I was really glad to hear it. Was hoping to hear About Mr. Brown just bc its my favorite but I was having fun with each song....I moved to Benj's side halfway thru and it seemed a little calmer which let us enjoy the music more..I would love to see a show at towercity with no beer served just to see the change bc its a cool environment downtown..

All in all the boys rocked it like usual and the setlist was an awesome mix of throwback staples with newer jams and i could have stayed all night. -bopagr9 August 7, 2007
just an incredible setlist... of the 10 shows i've been to now i'd have to say this was one of the best. toy store, black rock, big easy, ROC. great. they really have to stop opening with l&m though. i was right in the middle and i didn't think the crowd was all that bad. -mendy817 August 7, 2007
i really really loved this show. it was my first o.a.r. concert and my first concert over all. i have never had so much fun. i have loved o.a.r. since they came out w/ thier cd. but my parents wouldnt let me go to a concert cause i was too young. now im 15 and i got to go with all my buddies. i absolutely loved tha setlist. i wish they would have played i feel home instead of heard the world as an encore but i was fine with it cause they play everyhting amazingly. i didnt think the crowd was as bad as everyone said tho. marc did get a little pissed when some dumbasses crowd surfed as he should have. stephen kellogg is the man. we got to meet his entire band at the end of the showing and he was really nice. i will for sure come the next time their either in colombus or cleveland. i heard they did their best concerts in colombus. GO O.A.R.! August 9, 2007
Setlist was amazing no doubt about that, but i could have done without most of the crowd surfing. all in all amazing show. -hairdoggiedog4 August 9, 2007
the show was amazing i loved the songs they played. the crowd up front was great besides some pep crowd surfing it was the best concert. the band is amazing. -lilhoule77 August 14, 2007
I have a friend in Cleveland who landed VIP tickets for this show so I got to avoid the unpleasantries of the crowd. View from the VIP tables was great, and I had beer delivered to my table. Excellent set list, excellent performance. SK was excellent, I definitely enjoyed Big Easy. -xedaps January 28, 2008