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Album Stats
Souls Aflame: 29%
The Wanderer: 29%
Risen: 12%
Rain Or Shine: 6%
All Sides: 6%
Stories Of A Stranger: 6%
In Between Now and Then: 6%
Any Time Now: 6%

Show Rarity: 35.05%
Show rarity is the average rarity of all songs played at the show.
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Moravian College - Johnston Hall 11.20.2010 - Bethlehem, PA With: MikelParis Trio
  1. Set 1:
    1. About an Hour Ago ->
    2. Risen
    3. Black Rock
    4. Get Away (Fast) ->
    5. On Top the Cage
    6. Untitled
    7. Destination
    8. Wonderful Day
    9. Hey Girl
    10. About Mr. Brown
    11. She Gone (Only in Dreams)
    12. Tonight
    13. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
    14. I Feel Home &
    15. Shattered (Turn the Car Around)
    16. Hold on True
    17. City on Down
& Marc and Richard.
Entire show with MikelParis on keys, percussion, and vocals.

Jeffrey O'Brien
Live O.A.R.

Reviews If this is any indication of tonight's show in syracue, i am even more pumped! Requested the boys to play "To Zion Goes I" via twitter, hope that they do throw that in! Gonna be a great show! -scheisty1 November 21, 2010
All I have to say about this show... AMAZING!!! I drove up from NJ as a last minute decision, and I am so glad I did! This was show 23 (21 excluding the 2 online ones), and one of the best! So many old songs played that I havent seen in forever: 2 years since Get Away, only the 3rd time I saw Destination, first Wonderful Day since '08 for me, first time I ever heard She Gone live (and I love that song), I love Tonight and Marc/Richard I Feel Home, and Hold On True!! First time I heard that since 2005! This was also the first time I have seen Paris do his own thing, and he was fantastic... I will be going to more of his solo shows now, that's for sure. There was just so much energy in the show. Marc was talking with the crowd, reading notes and signs, and was really into it tonight. For a smaller college crowd everybody for the most part was great. A little pushing and shoving, but crowding surfing wasn't a problem, and a lot of people knew the words to the older songs (which was great to see). Some girls around me were mad they didn't play L&M or This Town or Lay Down... come on people they always play these songs, we got Destination, Tonight, and Hold on True! So glad I went tonight!
Saw a lot of fimilar faces before/during/after the show... it's always good to see my OAR fan friends at these places. And a big big big thank you to Marc, Richard, Benj, Jerry, Chris, and Mike for hanging out by the buses after the show and talking to the fans, and for signing my OAR Ohio State football jersey! That means the world to me guys, thank you! Until 2011 fellas. Happy Holidays to you and yours! -CityOnDown1130 November 21, 2010
What a great show! I was front row, and it was my 10th show, Marc took my camera on stage once again, I posted the video on youtube for those of you who want to watch. I'm pumped they played 'Tonight' I shot them a few requests for that throughout the week. Nice to hear some rare songs, 'She Gone' was pretty sick to hear. Went to the show in Syracuse tonight as well, and they were great again! It was awesome getting to meet the guys once again after the show, never seen them so energized, really seemed to be happy to be playing again! Great night! -oarfan16 November 21, 2010
This show was absolutely incredible. I got there at 3 and was in the front row. Get Away into On Top the Cage was awesome, and then for them to play Tonight, She Gone, Destination, and Hold on True was fun and different. Jerry's intro into Shattered on the guitar was awesome. Looking forward to seeing the December 18th Bethesda-Strathmore Concert. -CGrass18 November 22, 2010